A Uniquely Irish Experience- Visiting a Sheep Dog Farm

If you’re looking for an off-the-beaten-path experience in Ireland, consider visiting a sheep dog farm for a sheep-herding demonstration. Our visit to  the sheep dog farm Joyce Country Sheepdogs was our last stop before heading back to Dublin to fly out the next morning and turned out to be one of our favorite activities of the trip. It’s located in the lovely Connemara region of the country not too far from Galway City. The setting itself was in a dreamy, serene and beautiful location.

Visiting an Irish Sheep Dog Farm - www.AFriendAfar.com - #connemara #sheepdogfarm #countygalway


The demonstration was a fascinating way to learn more about the  border collies, sheep and the handler. Joyce Country Sheepdogs is only open seasonally from March until the end of September so take this into consideration while planning. It’s open every day except Sunday and demonstrations take place at 11 am, 1 pm and 3:30 pm. The cost was only €10 for adults, €5, for kids from 5-12, and free for kids under 5.


Plus there are puppy snuggles to be had depending on what time of the year it is!


We researched another option near the Ring of Kerry in case you’re headed to that part of Ireland rather than County Galway. Check out Rick Steves recommended Kissane Sheep Farm!

Visiting an Irish Sheep Dog Farm - www.AFriendAfar.com - #connemara #sheepdogfarm #countygalway

We’re always on the lookout for off the beaten path experiences while traveling. Do you have any to share for Ireland? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

Stephanie grew up road-tripping across the U.S., but her first flight was to Australia, and she’s been hooked ever since. She lived abroad in Thailand, where she met Meagan, and in Ghana with Peace Corps and has been to over 30 countries on 6 continents. She travels for the adventure, the stories, and nature.